Mammootty, the renowned Megastar of Mollywood, is gearing up to captivate his audience once again with the much-anticipated Yatra 2, a Telugu film helmed by director Mahi V Raghav. Fans eagerly anticipating the OTT release of Mammootty's recent venture, Kannur Squad, can now mark their calendars as Disney Plus Hotstar has officially confirmed its streaming availability starting November 17, 2023. While the excitement builds for this Malayalam film's digital release, details about its multilingual availability on the platform are yet to be disclosed.

Under the direction of Roby Varghese Raj, Kannur Squad has recently achieved a significant milestone by surpassing the impressive Rs. 100 crores gross mark at the box office. The film boasts an ensemble cast, featuring stellar performances from actors such as Kishore, Sunny Wayne, Vijayaraghavan, Rony David Raj, Azeez Nedumangad, Shabareesh Varma, Sarath Sabha, and others, each contributing significantly to the success of this production. Mammootty Kampany proudly undertook the project, with the talented Sushin Shyam adding depth to the film with his music score.

As the audience eagerly awaits the OTT release, stay tuned for more updates on the streaming availability of Kannur Squad. The film's success at the box office coupled with the anticipation surrounding its digital release promises an exciting cinematic journey for Mammootty's fans.

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